Sell Your Vehicle Via AutopointDiscover the power of online car auctions in reaching a wide range of potential buyers and maximize value of your car effortlessly. With maximum exposure, you'll secure the best deal for your vehicle hassle-free.
8.500 +Completed Auctions
90%Sell Rate
100.000 +Registered Members
200 +Partners
Choose your selling optionUncover various ways how to sell your cars on Autopoint platform and explore your options.

Most Popular
Public Auction
Sell your vehicles on public auction. If you have more than 10 cars you can even have your own auction group.

Private Auction
Sell your cars to target audience directly. Autopoint can organize auction only for your employees, selected companies or subsidiaries etc.

Coming Soon!
Fixed Price Listing
Sell your car through fixed-price listing on Autopoint platform. Available from August 2024.

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Contact us for assistance in selecting most suitable listing type for you or your company.
How it Works?Regardless if you are a company or private individual you can sell your car or multiple cars via Autopoint auction website. By choosing your legal status below (company or private individual) you can check what are best options for you.
In order to sell your vehicle via Autopoint first you have to register. You can register [here](/?register=true)
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Frequently Asked QuestionsFrequently asked questions about selling on Autopoint Platform.
View AllCan I set a minimum selling price?
How can I sell my car at the auction
What happens if there are no bids above reserve price?
What happens when auction ends?
What happens when my car is sold at the auction?
How can I sell my car at the auction as a car dealer?

Need assistance with selling?Our team is only an e-mail away and prepared to answer your questions.